
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Before I Turn 30

So last night I was watching "The Bachelor" as I commonly do on Monday evenings, and of course my mind started to wander--and I thought: I am going to be turning the big 3 0 in almost exactly 6 months!  Crazy.  That was the first moment that it began to hit me.  30 is a big milestone.  Definitely a moment when many people stop and evaluate their life.  Am I making the most out of life?  I'm not so sure that I am.  I decided that I want to make a list of things to do before I turn 30.  Let me tell you--it has been really difficult for me to make this list!  I want it to be a list just for me.  Nothing to do with the kids, hubby, or anyone else.  Just me. (unless it's travel related--i don't want to go alone!)  I have 6 months to accomplish these goals!

1.  Go see the sunrise on the east coast of Florida, see the sunset on the west coast on the same day
2.  Lost that last 5 pounds-- goal 135
3.  Plan and execute a surprise trip or day trip for the family
4.  Have some type of spa treatment/pampering  (home spa would still be fine!)
5.  Read a book
6.  Make each part of the house super homey
7.  See lake Michigan
8.  Create a "bucket list"
9.  Slow down, and make efforts to see the beauty and the good in each day.
10. pray daily and start a journal

Whelp-- that's all I can think of right now!  I'll revisit this list as July 24 gets closer.  Now that I'm reflecting on my 20's, I can say that there have been many highs and many lows.  Definitely some things that I'd like to leave behind.  30 marks a new beginning for me- the beginning of so many new and exciting possibilities!  I just have to be intentional and mindful of how I am spending each day- to make sure that I am making the most of every day.

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